Every 4th Wednesday 5:05 PM
People around the world practice TRE individually, in a group setting or at home. The health benefits you get from TRE are a wide range of physical relief & repair, emotional release to stress management. TRE is an effective, low-impact form of movement that involves integration of every muscle, organ, and cell of the body, bringing balance to body and mind.
victoria cocklin, lpc
In this safe and non judgmental environment I can help you
explore the deeper underlying issues that may be contributing to the obstacles that interfere with your life and opportunities. The self understanding that can develop in this non judgmental collaborative relationship can lead to deep and long lasting changes.
Why TRE?
Fridays at 9AM
Every 3rd Wednesday 5:05PM
We continue to grow and develop throughout our lifetime. It is critical that the approach in therapy be tailored to meet your unique situation and needs. I offer individual psychotherapy as well as group work. Make time for yourself today to find a more balanced life with a much deeper personal understanding through a therapeutic relationship.